Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

Future of Farming: Robot Farmers? What do you think of this concept video?

What do you think farming technology will capable of in 50 - 100 years?

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mattymetzgerFeb 18, 5:20pm via TweetDeck

@OntAg more robotics yes, but not in that form

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ScoutingFieldsFeb 18, 9:58am via Web

@OntAg Interesting Robot concept. With precision farming technologies,changes are happening at a fast pace. check outbit.ly/p1ygWM

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OntAg: #ontag Chat Forum: Future of Farming: Robot Farmers? What do you think of this concept video?http://t.co/7MFJig4R

Quite an interesting video. I just recently wrote a blog post about why young farmers love tech and this play along to that. While I don't talk about robots I definitely talk about being more efficient at the farm.

This video is also very thought provoking because many people feel that robots will take over, but not in a good way. Think about i-robot. I wonder how many farmers would jump on something like this if it was affordable. 

What kind of technology do you use on your farms?

Hi Iain,

Welcome to the Ontario Agriculture Community website.

It sounds like you are interested in farming and getting a handle on the technology.

I suggest that you go visit a farm machinery dealership in your area and ask to talk to the Precision Ag Specialist.

They will show you some of the interesting new tools farmers have to be more efficient....autosteer, gps, record keeping...

Take care,




Here is a video we did with the Propero inventor this summer.

Thanks Joe, 

That is a great idea. I will have to set up a time to go check out some of the stuff they have out there now.

It is awesome to see what they are doing nowadays. I wonder how many robots like that you would have to have to plant 100 acres. 


Joe Dales said:

Hi Iain,

Welcome to the Ontario Agriculture Community website.

It sounds like you are interested in farming and getting a handle on the technology.

I suggest that you go visit a farm machinery dealership in your area and ask to talk to the Precision Ag Specialist.

They will show you some of the interesting new tools farmers have to be more efficient....autosteer, gps, record keeping...

Take care,




The little Prospero robot is more of a concept by the young inventor....not sure if it makes sense as a corn planter...current tractor and planters are increasing in size and sophistication...pretty efficient and effective at placing the seed.

Here is a video we did this spring with our friend Larry planting corn....he uses gps autosteer to make sure there is no seeding wasted with overlap.





My only problem with that type of technology is how do the small farms afford it. That could almost be a whole topic in itself.

Awesome video though.

Technology is here to stay, maybe not with planting robots, but precision Ag is now a way farming.  Truthfully in a lot of cases if you are not using precision Ag solutions you are leaving money somewhere on the table.

Data management to me is the next buzz word in Ag, it is what farmers use to make decisions on Variable Rate Application, inputs and seed population and even water management.  To make the most profitable choices you need the proper accurate data and that’s were precision Ag is going.

Sometimes it is easier for smaller operations to implement changes like precision since the intial investment is not as high as the BTO's farming.


What type of initial investment are we talking for a small farm?

Paul Smith said:

Technology is here to stay, maybe not with planting robots, but precision Ag is now a way farming.  Truthfully in a lot of cases if you are not using precision Ag solutions you are leaving money somewhere on the table.

Data management to me is the next buzz word in Ag, it is what farmers use to make decisions on Variable Rate Application, inputs and seed population and even water management.  To make the most profitable choices you need the proper accurate data and that’s were precision Ag is going.

Sometimes it is easier for smaller operations to implement changes like precision since the intial investment is not as high as the BTO's farming.


starting at 2000 and the sky is the limit, but hi end systems run around 15K, alot has to do with the dealers knowledge how they can train customers to collect and manage the data to make gains on the farm

And that 2000 could be put on any tractor, or would it have to be on certain types that already have some stuff on them.

Paul Smith said:

starting at 2000 and the sky is the limit, but hi end systems run around 15K, alot has to do with the dealers knowledge how they can train customers to collect and manage the data to make gains on the farm

2000 would be just a display, that could be used for guidance(it tells you where to drive to be efficient) by a means of a light bar and it can be used in any piece of equipment on a farm.  Main uses for these are tillage, spraying and less accurate planting.

Systems that steer for you start around 5K and most applications top out around 14K for most cash crop operations.

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