Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

How is your corn harvesting progressing? Better than expected, worse, etc? Results and yields posted here.

How is your corn harvest progressing? How much do you still have to finish?

Please post your progress and yield information here to share with other farmers. Will will add the posts and pictures from Twitter that Ontario farmers are sending.

Thank you and good lulck with your harvest!


For soybean results click here.


For plot results visit the Farms.com Yield Data Centre at http://YieldData.Farms.com,

This site will be updated as soon as the results are sent in.


Views: 2091

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mattymetzger profile

mattymetzger What a beautiful day to be out in the field combining corn. http://t.co/u7x9SKWd

ScoutingFields profile

ScoutingFields Very happy customer in the sutton area. 38M58 went over 200 bpa. Usually takes 45 ac to fill Silo, less then 30 ac this yr. Thx u july rain!


Dave_Curry profile

Dave_Curry Don't think we will see this corn come off today. #firstsnow2011 http://t.co/HsXMKZzy

Pioneer 39N86 came off at 21.6 moisture, 180.7 bu/ac. dry.


Happy dance!

phhermans9:43am via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Grower plot, June 2 planted corn 180 to 205 bu 21 to 25 percent mst great yields for May 33!


RosendaleFarms profile

RosendaleFarms #Pioneer #38N88 goes 200 bu/ac dry just outside of Listowel #ontag yfrog.com/nxm6rdej


CharlesWert112:46pm via Twitter for BlackBerry®

38N88 goes 245 bushels @ 18.8% on Sat near Maxville! Planted @ 34000 population may 12th


Ken_Currah profile

Ken_Currah What an amazing weather day for harvest in Norfolk County! 200 bu plus to boot yfrog.com/khbshvnj

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