How is your corn harvest progressing? How much do you still have to finish?
Please post your progress and yield information here to share with other farmers. Will will add the posts and pictures from Twitter that Ontario farmers are sending.
Thank you and good lulck with your harvest!
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This site will be updated as soon as the results are sent in.
ScoutingFields Customer at @ReesorElevators said a 30 ac field of N88 yielded 185 bpa at 23.5% across the scales. Beautiful grain quality.
ScoutingFields Another plot in North Humberland county off yesterday. P9855HR topped the plot at 240.8 bpa and 23.2%. Plot average 214 bpa.
mredmond08 Great day for taking off a #corn plot
jersegeren Exciting yield report from Leamington, 8595, 229 busels/acre dry. Amazing yields every where!
ScoutingFields Most corn coming in today at the Elevator between 23-27%. Soybeans started at 20% & still 20% @ 5pm.
steenholldairy Combined some #corn at 225 bu/acre. At 27% moisture.#harvest11 #agchat
brigdencca Dekalb 52-59 planted May 10th north of Brigden averaging 218 dry bushels coming off the field at 18%
DonLunn Beans down to 13.8 into Alvinston. Corn plot averaged 197. Planted June 2. Who'd of thunk! 27.2 avg moisture though.
glannin Lots of corn off south Huron/Perth. Lot of it in the 200-225 range planted second week of May
Jason_MacCuaig Glengarry farmer planted DKC35-43 June 9th... 160 bu/ac, 21.0% moisture, 58 lbs/bu. Unreal!
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