Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

Name: Jim Denys
Twitter: @middlesexfarmer
Location: Middlesex County, Ontario (Near Parkhill)
Info: Maizex 4092, Planted May 11. I stand 6'2"

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

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Agriculture Headlines from Farms.com Canada East News - click on title for full story

Farmers are Enjoying Good Conditions Throughout the Province

It wasn’t long ago that the province was bracing for major drought. What a difference a few weeks can make. According to the latest provincial crop report, crop conditions across the province are showing positive trends, with ratings of good to excellent now standing at 2 per cent above the 5-year average, marking a 2 per cent improvement since last week. Here’s a closer look at how different regions are faring: South Region: Crop conditions improved by 2 per cent, bringing the total to 74 per cent good to excellent. Central Region: A similar 2 per cent increase was noted, with conditions now at 79 per cent good to excellent. Peace Region: This region saw the most significant improvement, with a 4 per cent increase bringing the total to 80 per cent good to excellent. North West Region: Conditions improved by 8 per cent, now standing at 69 per cent good to excellent. North East Region: The only region to see a slight decrease, with a 1 per cent drop to 69 per cent good to excellent. P

US Winter Wheat Harvest Now More than Half Finished

The American winter wheat harvest has passed the halfway mark, with the crop now completely off in Oklahoma. According to Monday’s USDA crop progress report, the nationwide harvest reached 54% complete as of Sunday, up 14 points from a week earlier and well ahead of last year (33%) and the five-year average (39%). In the top production state of Kansas, the harvest advanced 27 points to 80% complete, versus just 39% last year and 49% on average. Meanwhile, the Oklahoma harvest moved to 100% done from 95% a week earlier and 84% on average. The latest daily harvest report from Kansas Wheat said that while yields in the state are highly variable, “test weights, protein and optimism remain strong.” In fact, Gary Gantz, president of D.E. Bondurant Grain Co. Inc.in Ness City, which operates the last remaining private grain elevator in Kansas, reported this year’s wheat crop in that area of the state is nearly double what was taken in last year. The Michigan harvest was reported at 3

Railway Workers Authorize Strike Action Again

Railway workers at Canadian National (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) have once again overwhelmingly voted in favour of strike action. The Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC), the union that represents the workers, announced Saturday that nearly 10,000 workers voted 98.6% in favour of a strike if a negotiated settlement cannot be reached. Workers at CN and CPKC had previously voted to authorize strike action on May 1, and workers would have been in a legal strike position on May 22. However, the federal government on May asked the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to determine whether any shipments must continue in the event of a work stoppage – a move that preempted any strike or lockout pending the board’s ruling. Since strike authorization votes are only good for 60 days, the union was forced to seek another mandate from its members. “With this renewed strike mandate, we intend to go back to the bargaining table, work with federal mediators, and do ev

Two winners of Early Career Research Award named

Two University of Guelph researchers have been named as winners of the 2024 Early Career Research Award. Dr. Ataharul Chowdhury was awarded $70,000 for his work in Getting Research into Practice (GRIP) and Dr. Sam Workenhe receives $40,000 to further his work in discovering and developing antiviral treatments for highly pathogenic livestock and poultry viruses.

Livestock Research Innovation Corporation re-appoints chair, vice chair

The Chair and Vice Chair of Livestock Research Innovation Corporation (LRIC) have been re-appointed to their positions for another year

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