Ontario Agriculture

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Scout for Armyworms!! Farmers updates on armyworm activity and OMAFRA report

OMAFRA information - Armyworm are Marching  - http://fieldcropnews.com/2012/06/armyworm-are-marching/

bzacres5:02am via Photos on iOS

#armyworm in Southwest Middlesex. 16 per square foot this morn in a windrow of hay that was cut. #ontag #agchatpic.twitter.com/meX0ibQh

FS_PARTNERS7:03am via web

RT @cropdoc2: EVERY wheat field in #ontag needs to be scouted NOW! @Dave_Curry @scressma MT "wheat fields S of Mitchell, armyworms >>threshold"

NWCLHartung7:02am via web

RT @cropdoc2: EVERY wheat field in #ontag needs to be scouted NOW! @Dave_Curry @scressma MT "wheat fields S of Mitchell, armyworms >>threshold"

TVRSCIAJun 05, 9:03pm via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Armyworm spotted Princeton/Drumbo area tonite. Small but not at threshold yet. #ontag

HDCAgronomyJun 05, 8:50pm via Twitter for BlackBerry®

RT @cropdoc2: Good to scout with a flashlight right now! MT "@Sally_SP: Spraying for #armyworms .... check your fields. #spray12 #ontag"

cropdoc2Jun 05, 8:44pm via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Good to scout with a flashlight right now! MT "@Sally_SP: Spraying for #armyworms .... check your fields. #spray12#ontag"

Sally_SPJun 05, 8:35pm via Twitter for iPhone

Spraying for #armyworms tonight in our #wheat. Make sure to check your fields. #spray12 #ontag

RyanKennesJun 05, 7:17pm via web

Just checked our wheat for Armyworms...definitely need to be sprayed, above threshold, still lots of little guys...check your fields! #ontag

Sally_SPJun 05, 5:43pm via Twitter for iPhone

Checking #wheat fields... Holly #armyworms!! Yikes! @courtfarms we need you! #ontag #spray12

JoannaMWallaceJun 05, 2:36pm via Twitter for iPhone

Not a good sign when you get to a field to #SCOUT it for#armyworm and the one beside is getting air applied.#ontag pic.twitter.com/SppSjdMc

AgriMediaJun 05, 2:18pm via HootSuite

RT @OntAg: More armyworms in #ontag: RT @courtfarms: 10 per sq ft armyworms north of tillsonburg. High #'s but low damage yet. Lots of small ones....

MasterPromotionJun 05, 2:18pm via HootSuite

RT @OntAg: RT @cropdoc2: EVERY wheat field in #ontagneeds to be scouted NOW! @Dave_Curry @scressma MT "wheat fields S of Mitchell, armyworms...

OntAgJun 05, 2:18pm via HootSuite

RT @cropdoc2: EVERY wheat field in #ontag needs to be scouted NOW! @Dave_Curry @scressma MT "wheat fields S of Mitchell, armyworms...

OntAgJun 05, 2:19pm via HootSuite

RT @HDCAgronomy: Scout your #wheatfields for #armyworm, earlier planted fields appear to be most affected #ontag #plant12


OntAgJun 05, 2:17pm via HootSuite

#ontag RT @tmontaguesoy#armywormactive in Jarvis pic.twitter.com/g9qonLQP

OntAgJun 05, 2:17pm via HootSuite

More armyworms in #ontag: RT @courtfarms: 10 per sq ft armyworms north of tillsonburg. High #'s but low damage yet. Lots of small ones....

HylandSeeds1Jun 05, 1:08pm via web

RT @cropdoc2: EVERY wheat field in #ontag needs to be scouted NOW! @Dave_Curry @scressma MT "wheat fields S of Mitchell, armyworms >>threshold"

JocelynlsmithJun 05, 12:59pm via web

RT @cropdoc2: EVERY wheat field in #ontag needs to be scouted NOW! @Dave_Curry @scressma MT "wheat fields S of Mitchell, armyworms >>threshold"

AgriMediaJun 05, 12:44pm via web

RT @cropdoc2: EVERY wheat field in #ontag needs to be scouted NOW! @Dave_Curry @scressma MT "wheat fields S of Mitchell, armyworms >>threshold"

megnmoranJun 05, 11:56am via web

RT @cropdoc2: EVERY wheat field in #ontag needs to be scouted NOW! @Dave_Curry @scressma MT "wheat fields S of Mitchell, armyworms >>threshold"

cropdoc2Jun 05, 11:53am via web

EVERY wheat field in #ontag needs to be scouted NOW! @Dave_Curry @scressma MT "wheat fields S of Mitchell, armyworms >>threshold"

WheatPeteJun 05, 10:45am via web

@titandadoffour Armyworm 1-1.5" too big to spray. MUST catch them earlier. #wheat #Ontag

SterklaneJun 04, 8:41pm via Twitter for BlackBerry®

RT @HDCAgronomy: We are spraying for #armyworm in the Exeter area, scout your fields to protect your yield#ontag #wheat #plant12

CornwellPaulJun 04, 4:50pm via Twitter for BlackBerry®

RT @HDCAgronomy: We are spraying for #armyworm in the Exeter area, scout your fields to protect your yield#ontag #wheat #plant12

TVRSCIAJun 04, 4:12pm via web

Armyworms reports in Oxford....scout your crops! #ontag

cropdoc2Jun 04, 3:19pm via Twitter for BlackBerry®

With @wscottjay in SMART wheat trials at Ridgetown, 5-12 armyworm larvae per sqft. Spray tonight .... #ontagpic.twitter.com/h8lU7CLY

OntAgJun 04, 3:14pm via HootSuite

RT @GrahamMcLean1: Armyworm in the hayfields around Glencoe & Melbourne. Check the base the grasses during the day. Maybe time to cut #ontag

whitecutlass27Jun 04, 2:15pm via Twitter for BlackBerry®

RT @HDCAgronomy: We are spraying for #armyworm in the Exeter area, scout your fields to protect your yield#ontag #wheat #plant12

HDCGrainJun 04, 2:09pm via Twitter for BlackBerry®

RT @HDCAgronomy: We are spraying for #armyworm in the Exeter area, scout your fields to protect your yield#ontag #wheat #plant12

HDCAgronomyJun 04, 1:09pm via Twitter for BlackBerry®

We are spraying for #armyworm in the Exeter area, scout your fields to protect your yield #ontag #wheat #plant12

cropdoc2Jun 02, 10:11pm via web

Cool T slow dev of armyworm, thankfully, fields dry out some b4 spraying. Larvae @ threshold 5 sqft on my farm @ 3 instars (10 mm). @OntAg

cropdoc2Jun 02, 10:03pm via web

@erniehueni @WheatPete Tough pic, looks like a ladybug larve ... armyworm if present hide in the crown of wheat during the day ... #ontag

OntAgMay 30, 5:36pm via HootSuite

RT @WheatPete: Armyworm #wheat#barley fields Niagara region, N Mddlsx.. Scout! 5 larvae <1" in 19" row threshold. Spray immediately!...

onfieldcropsMay 30, 10:18am via web

RT @WheatPete: Armyworm #wheat#barley fields Niagara region, N Mddlsx area. Scout! 5 larvae <1" in 19" row threshold. Spray immediately! #Ontag

LauraJD4240May 30, 8:40am via web

RT @WheatPete: Armyworm #wheat#barley fields Niagara region, N Mddlsx area. Scout! 5 larvae <1" in 19" row threshold. Spray immediately! #Ontag

nickATosciaMay 30, 8:26am via web

RT @WheatPete: Armyworm #wheat#barley fields Niagara region, N Mddlsx area. Scout! 5 larvae <1" in 19" row threshold. Spray immediately! #Ontag

WheatPeteMay 30, 8:13am via web

Armyworm #wheat#barley fields Niagara region, N Mddlsx area. Scout! 5 larvae <1" in 19" row threshold. Spray immediately! #Ontag

HDCAgronomyMay 29, 10:41am via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Armyworm damage in wheat fields found in Lambton County, scout your fields and protect your crop! #ontag#wheat

Views: 1077


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Comment by OntAG Admin on June 6, 2012 at 3:40am

ArvaCropper8:50am via Web

army worm and aphids in the wheat....hmm

Comment by OntAG Admin on June 6, 2012 at 3:38am

When scouting for army worm early or late in day is best. Also watch for feeding on the leaves. 

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