Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

Mark your calendars for the 2017 6th Annual US Corn Belt Crop Tour!

U.S. Corn Belt Crop Tour is back!

Join us from June 24th – July 10th, 2017, as we go through 12 U.S. states  with “Marketing Man” Moe Agostino, to provide farmers with an indication of where grain prices may be headed and provide a selling advantage:- http://riskmanagement.farms.com/events/us-cornbelt-tour-2017

Thank you all Sponsors

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New Contest & win fabulous prizes for 2017 US Corn Belt Crop Tour #cornbelt17
Thanks to all Platinum & Silver sponsors

Moe Agostino
1-877-438-5729 x5040

Coming soon 17 US Corn Belt Crop Tour
Watch intro Video. http://riskmanagement.farms.com/event/us-cornbelt-tour-2017/intro-v...
Thanks to all Platinum & Silver sponsors

Join us for the 2017 US Corn Belt Crop Tour Greenfield Global Final Event July 13, 17 Chatham, ON

Register now! http://riskmanagement.farms.com/events/us-cornbelt-tour-2017/greenf...

Must see Register Now! Fred Below, special "quest for higher corn & soybean yields" farmer favorite


Starting Day 1 June 24, 17 in Ohio running a little late Thanks to Platinum Sponsors: , , FramsNews,

Day 1 June 24, 17 neat Clyde, OH near county road 224 & 213 corn short late planted vs. 15 that was also a very wet year.

Day 1 June 24, 17 near Clyde, OH soybean holding up better than corn but barely ankle high 16 vs. 15. Thank to all our our silver sponsors

Day 1 June 4, 17 south on Hwy 4 near Liberty County earlier planted corn just above the knees but behind last year for this time of the year

Day 1 June 24, 17 South on Hwy 4 in Dallas County late vs. early planted soybeans. Thank to silver sponsors: Maizex, Alpinepfl, NACHURS

Day 1 June 4, 17 south on Hwy 4 past Bucyrus, OH early vs. late planted corn across the road from each other Thanks silver sponsor rcmAlts

Day 1 Jun 24, 17 south Hwy 4 good looking wheat, USDA ranks winter wheat 83% G-E vs. 16 83% & 15 64% Thanks silver sponsor Canada

Day 1 June 24, 17 S Hwy 4 in Prospect County lake in corn and soybean fields like in 2015 Thank you Platinum Sponsor

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