I was at a field day yesterday with BASF and the wheat is almost ready to go north of London.
We will post a few videos once we have had time to edit them a little.
A couple days into wheat harvest here between Brantford and Hamilton. Yields and moistures quite variable. We have had no measureable precip in a month so actually expected poorer yields. Some of the high management fields are seeing best ever yields where the minimal input ones are 20-30 bushels less. The combination of higher n plus fungicides seems to have really added yield, whether that was the extra N because of the early heavy rains and n loss or the fungicides we don't know.
Quality is very good test weights up in the 65-66 pounds per bushel range on the best stuff, at this point there is no fusarium in any of the samples we've seen. A lot of the straw is still a bit green so the baling is having to trail a bit behind the combines.
Corn and beans looking pretty tough.
Good Afternoon Everyone,
Here is a video we took yesterday out in St. Thomas harvesting solf red winter wheat.
First wheat plot this summer. 25R56 - 113 bushels/ac at 13.5%.One load weighed in at 405 kg/hl. http://yfrog.com/h0ywqzpj
@mattymetzger2:09pm via TweetDeck (Matty Metzger)
Working on the last field, 2 hours and wheat harvest is in the bins
On Twitter
@ScoutingFields Just weighed off another plot. 3 Pioneer varieties for Galten farms.107,113,120 bush/ac! Tile drains,fertility,seed selection and management
@FS_PARTNERS FSP Mike in Mitchell's update today: Overall yields looking good for wheat- 95 bushels + on many fields; quality- good, moisture- high
@waynekblack: 80bu/ac here. No incrop herbicide & barespots incl.
@AgriNewsHound Reports of wheat yields in south Bruce 100+ bu/ac Great to hear #ontag
Wheat Harvest 2011: Blaney Grain Farms
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