Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

Over the last year and a half in Perth County we have had the surplus farm house issue visited twice. Most recently about a month ago county council decide to turn the motion down for the second time. The issue we divide people easier than picking your favorite hockey team. I don't believe there is a right or wrong answer but my problem is if it has been defeated twice why in after only a month of being defeated is it back on the table. This almost feels like a federal election. Democercy has to be considered some where along the line perhaps we have to have the best 3 out of 5. In tough economic times does our elected people have nothing better to do. It is like the dog that has chased a cat up the tree and won't move until it comes down(alot of wasted energy and resources for no reason). Anyway just wanting to hear other thoughts on the severance of surplus farm houses. Yes or No

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there are right tenents     there are some that spend their own money to

build a new chimney  INSTALL NEW WINDOWS        re  do the bathroom


the problem is  MOST THAT RENT THE DAM HOMES in  the country   WANT THEIR  rent money

and dont spend a dam dime on the house


takes down the hydro and lets them sit empty
SELFISH SELF RIGHTEOUS IDIOTs          woe unto them that add house to house and farm to farm








Robert Wood said:

I have several farm houses that I rent out and can see the merits of both sides of this argument. I do not think I want to sell mine . I would like to rent them out to some one that would take care of them. I am not interested in making a lot of money from them I would just like to breakeven, and have my building maintained.As renters come and go the the building seems to decline. I can not believe there are not people out there that would fulfill this goal, but they seem to be few and far between in my experience. It would be nice to be able to be to participate in some program for the distressed or under privileged that would help ensure payment and find the right tenants.

Not so happy landlord

we are a single parent family   dad   45   daughter   24  and son  16     all we ever wanted was a hundred acer farm


who helps ??     we have no family banks wont lend they are to busy bailing out gm and chrysler

and the bankster  gangster friends of the federal reserve fraud         how about the other farmers around here


me and my son and daughter    lived on   9000  last year           YEAH I KNOW      we are lazy right


thats why i cut  FIFTY SEVEN BUSH CORD OF HARD WOOD FOR A   54 year old woman so she has enough wood for the next ten years  

and   we are    on welfare  right??                      wrong   we live on the child tax  credit   and  a  200 dollar a month

 c p disability payment   for my son cause his mother was a schezophrenic


yeah    we want to farm              nice dream                   oprah gets   300 million and year

and people think the  government  gives a dam                              WILL SOMEONE    GIVE THEIR HEADS A SHAKE

there are  MULTI MILLIONAIRES  that wouldnt help us              there are idiots that build seven MILLION DOLLAR HOMES     all we wanted was a  one hundred and fifty grand hundred acer farm

YOU KNOW HOW MANY IDIOT   farmers i hear say   YOU CANT make a living on that

REALLY            i cant make  25 thousand clear a year   have a garden  heat with wood          GIVE ME A BREAK

we live on  9000 and have NOTHING           YOU LIVE ON  90 thousand and say your poor

RIGHT                          ok  so start yelling and screaming and disagree with me        GOD I AM USED TO IT

when my  children were    7  4 2 and three days old           I was asked  in church     a couple weeks after my son was born            SO ROBERT          are you working yet?????????????    i should have answered that man then

chuck you  farlie                or told him       he sure the heck didnt know  MUCKING FUCH   about raising children

so   heres life for you big boys    smart men                 MY daughter  who is not a druggy   NOT a drunk not a party girl

24  does not date             LOVES  GOD  hates lying churches           LIVES IN CANADA   has    zero HOPE for a life

because she was  raised by a     LOSER  SINGLEDAD that stayed and raised them          and what do we get

IN THIS    DAM COUNTRY by our  so called neighbours and friends               JUDGEMENT   nothing but god dam judgment                so   i have    finally come to a conclusion in ontario canada 

YES   THE THREE OF US ARE NOTHING BUT LAZY SCUM         we dont want to work         we want to be a wallmart  where we can sell canadian flags                MADE IN  PUCKING CHINA


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