Good Day Peter
Did you ever find that coon hunters you ha dtalked about ?
where is you farm .
I was rasied on a farm up North and have moved to the city of Guelph
And it is hard to find a place to hunt down here becouse of all the damage done in the past from the citidoits
I hope one day that farmers and hunters will get along again
Take care
I have a very good relationship with the hunters that use my farm; (the are deer hunters) in exchange for hunting on our property we get to graze their farm next door. It has worked out very well for us for the last 36 years. We have had people come to the door askig to hunt, not many as some think it is ok just to hunt on your property with asking; the ones coming to the door I have turned down as of the the great relationship with our neighbours. I have also met up with strangers on our farm, and been told by them that they had premission to hunt, there. They seem so surprised when I told them I was the owner. One guy even argued with me that I didn't own the property. (I did admit that the bank and I were working on that but, the deed was in my name and as long I paid the morgage the bank lets me keep it that way)
At the Leeds community pasture we do have two groups of hunter that hunt on the pastures they pay us a mininal amount, but, then we know who is there.
Our biggest problem both on the community pasture and o n our home farm are people with 4-wheelers who think it is their god-given right to ride the things any and every where.
city hunters that never grew up farming
they are just assholes that want to kill something
they dont want to hunt they just want to get away from their wives and hunting is a great week long excuse
Don't know if this will help but I am looking for a location to hunt coyote and raccoon as I do eat raccoon and enjoy hunting them. If you would like to contact me maybe we can help each other.
I am fully licenced and insured to hunt on your property and be willing to explain my insurance coverage with you
and provide documentation apon request.
Please feel free to contact me and we can discuss hunting opportunities that will benefit us both.
I can see this discussion is pretty old but maybe its time to resurrect it.
I have been hunting family farm property my entire life and just recently the farm was sold and I find myself looking for new land to hunt. I understand the reservations farmers have about letting strangers on their land. We had frequent problems with trespassers stealing things, planting "illegal" crops, etc. I would respect whatever rules were laid down.
I own a business and I know that time spent cleaning up after someone or repairing damage to property has a cost attached. And as a business owner I respect the "pay per use" model and would be willing to trade services or pay cash as the land owner sees fit. I own and manage a computer services company located in SW Ontario and I'm looking for land to hunt in the London area. Maybe we can work out a trade.
I can be contacted at reliablerick@outlook.com
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