Time: March 22, 2010 from 1pm to 8pm
Location: Kemptville College
Street: 830 Prescott St
City/Town: Kemptville, ON
Website or Map: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=…
Phone: Please call 1-888-375-7383 or email office@cog.ca.
Event Type: symposium, with, reception
Organized By: Colin Lundy
Latest Activity: Feb 25, 2010
Canadian Organic Growers (COG) has been exploring marketing options for organic food across the country through the Growing Up Organic Project. In almost every region, including Eastern Ontario, there is a strong demand for local organic food. However, there are not enough farmers to meet the demand. Cooperative business models offer solutions. A farmer owned Cooperative could provide resources, skills development and support to farmer members to make the transition to organic production easier, allowing farmers to tap into stable long term markets for certified organic products.
In Eastern Ontario, we are holding an afternoon event to explore the possibility of establishing a farmer co-operative. Farmers will make all the decisions, but Canadian Organic Growers will provide the supports required to go organic and develop larger markets for organic products.
If you’re a conventional farmer who has ever considered going organic and growing for local market or a farmer practicing ecological farming, this event is for you.
This afternoon symposium will bring experts in co-operative development, organic certification and the organic marketplace together. If you’re unsure about whether organics and cooperatives are for you, come and ask your questions.
The afternoon will consist of three panels and there will be plenty of opportunities to ask your questions.
PANEL 1: Farmer Co-operatives – How can they benefit farmers?
PANEL 2: Organic Farming – What does it take to go organic?
PANEL 3: The Organic Marketplace – What types of markets are there for organic products? What type of price premium can you expect?
RECEPTION 5:30 - 8:00 pm: Enjoy a free beer or glass of wine on us. We hope this will be a free flowing discussion where you can socialize and ask all the questions you were afraid to bring up in the afternoon.
COST: Free for farmers
Please call 1-888-375-7383 or email office@cog.ca.
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