Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

Monsanto a very nice company.  A must watch on google or youtube.  For those people who support this company, in any form or manner, thank you  have made this world a better place to live in. Especially thanks to Monsanto for sponsoring of the leadership in agriculture.

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Was this supposed to be some sort of joke??

Everyone loves to jump on the bandwagon and bash Monsanto.

Total hippy propaganda spewing out of that movie.
Why do you say its hippy propaganda?
Its very anti capitalism, anti globalization and promotes a very strong message of anti conservative values.

I think a lot of these movies focus on what Monsanto did in the past (agent orange) and not what they are doing in the present.

Today, they are leaders in agriculture. Monsanto along with all the other seed and chem companies are looking for solutions to the worlds over population through increased yields.
I watched some of the documentary on Youtube....I agree with David that it is not balanced journalism but an anti Monsanto documentary......I suspect if you researched the documentary writers/producers they do have an anti agriculture technology position.

I think it is important to people involved in agriculture to see what is being said about the industry....in this case Monsanto...but it also judges the farmers that use the GMO technology. This GMO debate will go on for a long time and continue as long as some countries support the technology and others do not.

I do worry about how uninformed consumers see agriculture....

Good discussion and debate,

Joe Dales

So your values and Monsantos are Capitalism which means private own without government control.

Globalization The term is sometimes used to refer specifically to economic globalization: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology.

Conservatism as both a cultural and biological process is characteristic of the multiple languaging processes of a culture and, at the biological level, the way in which genes reproduce themselves over many generations—with only minor variation; places an emphasis on carrying forward the genuine achievements of the past (including gains made in achieving greater social justice); represents the conceptual and moral orientation of environmentalists and people working to sustain the commons as sites of resistance to economic and ideological globalization; relies upon critical reflection as one of the many approaches to conserving the non-monetized traditions of the community; based on fundamentally different assumptions than those taken for granted by liberal thinkersn also refer to the transnational circulation of ideas, languages, or popular culture through acculturation.
Hi Bristow:

That is quite a jump....from my comments on a video to aligning my values with Monsanto....I am not sure that is entirely accurate.

This is really not an absolute argument - yes vs no....10 vs 20....

I think capitalism works but does have its problems....banking abuses...

I think Monsanto does alot of good for farmers and food production....but they are not my favorite company....

It is hard to peg people's values in a few chat threads....drop by our tent if you get to the Outdoor Farm Show and we can have a beer and debate politics and solve the world's problems....or at least try.

Take care,

Have you guys ever seen the movie Food Inc. Its along the same lines as this movie. Constantly claiming that monoculture and gmo technology will be the end of the world. They tell you that organic food production is they only way to go. If we want to feed the world of the future with 9 billion people we need to increase yield on less acres of land.

I've read some of Micheal Pollan's books and he is right up this alley.

I say hippy because its this constant push from the organic crowd bashing gmo technology. Yet when you talk to these people, a very small percentage of them are farmers or actually have a clue about crop production. They usually also have no idea the yield loses due to organic crop production.

Great debate though....obviously I'm bias because I'm in the ag industry and will stand by the seed company.

Hey Joe what booth are you at for the Farm Show?
You are no more bias then any other person that uses Monsanto, the augument I have is those people that wish to grow organic food, or develop other seed strains from natural selection have had their industry polluted with Monsanto's genes, and sued. From the begin, they were warn, told, by their own and independant sciences the threat of containation. Do you think that is a nice thing. Once they have you by the short and curles, the price starts to rise. Add the bank and you lose and become a slave without knowing it.
cite>David Curry said:
Have you guys ever seen the movie Food Inc. Its along the same lines as this movie. Constantly claiming that monoculture and gmo technology will be the end of the world. They tell you that organic food production is they only way to go. If we want to feed the world of the future with 9 billion people we need to increase yield on less acres of land.

I've read some of Micheal Pollan's books and he is right up this alley.

I say hippy because its this constant push from the organic crowd bashing gmo technology. Yet when you talk to these people, a very small percentage of them are farmers or actually have a clue about crop production. They usually also have no idea the yield loses due to organic crop production.

Great debate though....obviously I'm bias because I'm in the ag industry and will stand by the seed company.

Hey Joe what booth are you at for the Farm Show?
Hi Guys:

The Farms.com tent is located on the North Mall near the 4th Lane North corner...drop by and lets discuss.

Bristow, are you planning to come to the show?

I will send a private message.

Joe Dales said:
Hi Guys:

The Farms.com tent is located on the North Mall near the 4th Lane North corner...drop by and lets discuss.

Bristow, are you planning to come to the show?


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