Ontario Agriculture

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Do you agree with Bill Murdock MPP: Toronto Mentality hurts rural Ontario?

The media in Toronto is all over Bill Murdoch.....Toronto vs rural Ontario....I don't hear them disagree that they put Toronto issues first and are not interested in rural issues....


Here is some info I clipped from another site....


Bill Murdoch says he doesn't have to try to explain the "Toronto mentality" anymore.

The Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP, who made headlines this week for suggesting Toronto become a province on its own, said in a news release Thursday that "the attitudes" of people such as Toronto Star columnist Rosie DiManno and Warren Kinsella, a "Toronto-based Liberal advisor and strategist to Premier Dalton McGuinty," explains it for him.

Murdoch said at a Bruce County Federation of Agriculture roundtable discussion on the weekend that "the province is run totally by the mentality that is coming out of Toronto."

He blamed that mentality for problems keeping the coyote population in check and cited the way the province handles First Nations affairs -- specifically the largely hands-off policy on the sale of tax-free cigarettes -- and restrictions on developments along the Niagara Escarpment as other examples of urban domination of rural Ontario.

His news release Thursday included an entire DiManno column that appeared in Wednesday's Toronto Star and a couple of paragraphs from warrenkinsella.com.

"A lot of people ask me what do you mean by a Toronto mentality. I say it's hard to explain but that Rosie DiManno and that other guy, they explained it for me quite good. There it is, there's what they think of people in rural Ontario," Murdoch said in an interview.

"That's the problem, when they have attitudes like that . . . they overtake the government of the day in Queen's Park and that's why we don't get some of the things we think should be right in rural Ontario."

Murdoch denied being thin-skinned about some of the response to his weekend comments, which were reported across the province and became fodder for columnists and editorials and radio talk show hosts.

"I'm not even upset," he said. "I just said there it is . . . The Toronto mentality. They don't understand rural Ontario and they think they're God. Our stuff's crap, they call it. Our complaints are no good . . . The Bruce County Federation of Agriculture, they think it's some kind of gay-commie group. There's no tongue in cheek stuff with that. That's the attitude we're up against."

DiManno's column read, in part that "Bill Murdoch, who represents Bruce-Grey-Owen- Sound, which I think is somewhere due north, made his comments this week at a meeting of the Bruce Country Federation of Agriculture, which sounds vaguely gay-Commie to me."

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Bill Murdoch says it like it is. From what I have read and heard I honestly dont think he is out of line. Playing politics to try to get what you need done seems almost hopeless in this day and age. The people in power are simply out of touch with the grassroots and seem to insulate themselves from our reality. So much could be accomplished if the rule makers honestly cut the crap and did the right things. As producers we are experts in our field and know the challenges that face us. The last thing we want is another bandade cheque so we can survive for another 4 months with no clear improvements to the wrongs that still lay ahead. There are numerous highly qualified people within the grassroots that have answers to most of the problems that we face. Attitude is a huge problem within the government and arrogance. Fix those two issues and things will become better for everyone in Canada.
I believe there is merit in Mr. Murdoch's statement and a well rounded unbiased discussion should take place in my opinion. After all Nunavut became a separate territory in 1999. Ruperts Land was a distinct territory at one time and boundaries do change over time. How long will it be before the American Union changes boundary lines again? I suspect very shortly.

As for Toronto as a separate province/territory... there are some strong arguments for such a creation.

Years ago, I had the same discussion with the former Mayor of York, Mr. Alan Tonks. Mr. Tonks is the current MP for York South-Weston. Mr. Tonks argued that Toronto is distinct from the rest of the province and quite self-sufficient. (he had a myriad of points).

The idea of Toronto becoming autonomous is not a new nor novel idea. Its been floated for years and Wild Bill has been around almost as long. If Mr. Warren Kinsella truly thinks Mr. Murdoch is a crazy hick, then he is being selective in his criticism.

Shame on Mr. Kinsella for such juvenile ridicule.
http://warrenkinsella.com/ I HAVE A BETTER IDEA

Point of matter.... we are a have-not province today. Are we better or worse off if Toronto secedes? Is it time to cut urban Toronto from Ontario's apron strings and let them stand on their own?

I rather like Mr. Murdocks remarks and think the time is appropriate to further investigate the options. It has become painfully obvious that rural issues are being completely ignored and our rights trampled on by Queens Park as they cater to the distinct area we call the GTA.
No mention of agriculture in Ontario's 2010 budget. Toronto agenda? Jobs for the North but not farmers?

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Agriculture is buried in the budget with some very ominous statements... but you are right.... McGuinty did not feel we are important enough to mention in the budget speech.

Table 28 shows an actual expenditure for OMAFRA in 2007/08 as $731M, 2008/09 as $877M BUT projects 2010/11 for a whopping $1,288.1M. Considering Leona returned $82M a few months ago.... how on earth does the government expect to nearly double the expenses next fiscal period? What is the government passing through farmers budget accounts to make it appear as agricultural expenses???????? That includes the expected $346M revenue from slots going to agriculture.

Table 29 shows Time-Limited Investments in Infrastructure for OMAFRA in 2010/11 for $1.898 BILLION when there was NONE in 2007/08 or 08/09. Where is agriculture designated money going????

there of course is a temporary clause for farm related tax relief.

How can the government slide nearly $2 BILLION in OMAFRA account for time-limited investments???? Small wonder the public has no sympathy for farmers. Look how much we are getting!

I'm gonna run out and buy a bigger mailbox cause it sure looks like us farmers have hit pay dirt.!!!!

AgOntario said:
No mention of agriculture in Ontario's 2010 budget. Toronto agenda? Jobs for the North but not farmers?

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If you dig into the budget you will find that it seems like the government is assigning close to a third of a billion dollars from racetracks and charity casinos as OMAFRA income and taking spending out for fixing racetracks and the like as agricultural spending. It seems a bit like a game of three card monty and I am really hoping some enterprising reporters really dig into what is going on.

I think most people would not consider this agricultural spending or designated to farmers, especially not a broad cross-section of farmers. If I am reading the documents right, than it looks like someone is up to something and may even be trying to hide actual cuts through creative budgeting. Even if I am not reading the numbers right, it sure seems odd putting casino and racetrack spending into the OMAFRA budget process.
The remark about the mailbox was tongue-n-cheek on my part but I do agree with your thoughts.

I just don't understand what $2.7401 BILLION for 2009/10 and 2010/11 for Time-Limited Investments in Infrastructure penciled in the OMAFRA budget. It sends a clear message that farmers have a huge chunk of change coming our way.

then there is the line: "To further support Ontario farmers, temporary restrictions on certain input tax credits will not apply to farming businesses" What's that suppose to mean?

Grant said:
If you dig into the budget you will find that it seems like the government is assigning close to a third of a billion dollars from racetracks and charity casinos as OMAFRA income and taking spending out for fixing racetracks and the like as agricultural spending. It seems a bit like a game of three card monty and I am really hoping some enterprising reporters really dig into what is going on.

I think most people would not consider this agricultural spending or designated to farmers, especially not a broad cross-section of farmers. If I am reading the documents right, than it looks like someone is up to something and may even be trying to hide actual cuts through creative budgeting. Even if I am not reading the numbers right, it sure seems odd putting casino and racetrack spending into the OMAFRA budget process.

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