Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

We have all heard of Wikyleaks, at the moment the US, UK, and yes Canadian Primister are trying to shut the site down. Why it has nothing to do with a film showing children and reporters been shown shot by helicopter pilots.

It has to do with Bank of Americia.  When I tell you this all those people who know people that have had their farms foreclosed, property taken from the bank. They had no right to, because the Bank sold the loans to a third party, yet foreclosed on the loan and jacked up the interest rate. Under UCC unversal commersal code, you cannot sell something you don't own or with out a proof of debtness if you have sold it to someone else.

So who did they sell the loans to, answer pension funds, overseas countries. Anyone who had the money to buy. I know the Australian Public Service Pension fund was one who bought these loans. So in other words the bank stole of both the home owner and the invester. Then got bailed out, by the tax payer. With fall knowledge of the US regulators. Now here is the bad news if the bank of America was doing it, this means every bank was. So this means they can be sued by anyone that has been foreclosed and the investors that buy the loans. And they will. We can only imagine what bail out mark two will do to the US dollar.

It gets better, this is for home foreclosures, lets look at credit card debt, car loans and any other loans, have they been sold too?  You bet your ass they have.  And why is China and Russian buying gold and silver, the reason the US dollar will be debased. I am no ecommionist, that gets paid to lie. But for those people who have investments, I would think very hard in what to do.


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So Bristow,

I am not as concerned at you are with the demise of the American economy and dollar...I do think they have their challenges.

What do think the USD will trade in terms of the Canadian dollar this year?

That is more relevant to me.

Take care,


Joe Dales



That depends on how much gold Canada has in reserves to base their currency on. Because as you know if no one wants pieces of paper without backing. At the moment world currency is based on the US green back. It has put more debt on that. The Euro the same. You can get plenty of debt to make money German did that after WW1. Its called run away inflation.  Why would you sell to a country when all you get back is IOUs, with the backing of debt. You will get your money if and when the people can work it off, in government jobs that produce nothing. Yet at the same time destroy the industry that creates wealth.

The system the bankers have set up, has been design to fail, for the chip and one world currency based on the work performed, not the worth of product produced.

The process is called make the problem and we will give you the answer and by the way you can't do this and have that.

 Glad to see somebody to day in canada understands that money is today backed by debt obligation and not always gold.

Also ask yourself were is the Canadian  gold reserve held
, Toronto, Montreal, were? Is there enough gold there if there was a run on it  or would you have to wait till it was shipped in from offshore? 
Bristow said:

That depends on how much gold Canada has in reserves to base their currency on. Because as you know if no one wants pieces of paper without backing. At the moment world currency is based on the US green back. It has put more debt on that. The Euro the same. You can get plenty of debt to make money German did that after WW1. Its called run away inflation.  Why would you sell to a country when all you get back is IOUs, with the backing of debt. You will get your money if and when the people can work it off, in government jobs that produce nothing. Yet at the same time destroy the industry that creates wealth.

The system the bankers have set up, has been design to fail, for the chip and one world currency based on the work performed, not the worth of product produced.

The process is called make the problem and we will give you the answer and by the way you can't do this and have that.

You will find their is no gold, UK sold theirs about three years ago, Australia I think 1996 under Howard. The US alot to China which found some of it debased the old lead center. You ask why simple it leaves the government nothing to fall back on.

bert said:

 Glad to see somebody to day in canada understands that money is today backed by debt obligation and not always gold.

Also ask yourself were is the Canadian  gold reserve held
, Toronto, Montreal, were? Is there enough gold there if there was a run on it  or would you have to wait till it was shipped in from offshore? 
Bristow said:

That depends on how much gold Canada has in reserves to base their currency on. Because as you know if no one wants pieces of paper without backing. At the moment world currency is based on the US green back. It has put more debt on that. The Euro the same. You can get plenty of debt to make money German did that after WW1. Its called run away inflation.  Why would you sell to a country when all you get back is IOUs, with the backing of debt. You will get your money if and when the people can work it off, in government jobs that produce nothing. Yet at the same time destroy the industry that creates wealth.

The system the bankers have set up, has been design to fail, for the chip and one world currency based on the work performed, not the worth of product produced.

The process is called make the problem and we will give you the answer and by the way you can't do this and have that.

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