We're very excited here in the Holland Marsh. There is a new television show, Fresh Life, airing on SUN TV, and they are featuring the Holland Marsh in several episodes. The film crew has been in the Marsh since Monday filming different farmers and their crops. It's been really exciting. I have to share this story with you. On Monday when they first arrived at our farm we were combining carrots, and I had been working on the back of the combine with our farm assistant, Rick, (he's new to our farm) I was showing him what he is expected to do while working on the back. It was windy, warm and VERY dusty. My face was caked in muck, and the makeup lady, Brandie, asked if I wanted makeup. I asked her if she thought that would really help. lol We all laughed and left my face alone. I'll tell you one thing though, farmers really need to get the word out to consumers about what we REALLY do, and HOW we do it. These people were absolutely amazed, and some of the misconceptions about farming practices have been cleared up. Now, if we could just get some more government officials to come out and see, and learn about agriculture (all sectors), then maybe we wouldn't remain a "junior portfolio" with the Federal cabinet.