Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

There is a serious problem with the smart meters, reading as much as 4 times the actual consumption.


We need to get everyone together.  I have already contacted 2 reporters, and started this blog http://h1ripoff.blogspot.com/


It may come down to a class action suit against Hydro One.  This is THEFT!

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Wow! Did I read that right in the article?!?!...

"Beckett estimates that most homeowners will see an increase of 25 per cent on a typical electrical bill in coming months. That jump will come from the Ontario Energy Board rate increase, other charges related to the Green Energy Act and the introduction of the HST on July 1."

That doesn't even include the on-peak cost - which will be very costly for us who tend to milk cows through those peak hours.

Jennifer Garner said:
Get a gasifer to run your own power.
One has to wonder about Queen's Park and their abilities related to reasonable thought processes.

Premier McGuinty is bound and determined to channel and manipulate social behavior modifications on many fronts including energy consumption.

Smart Meters are being installed under the guise of enabling consumers' conservation efforts and taking firmer control of expenses. While many consumers are shifting consumption to off-peak hours, few are seeing any real savings.

Mr. McGuinty has provided Smart Meters to give the public the opportunity to save on energy use through less consumption and taking advantage of lower rates on off-peak hours. Isn't that the crux of his line? We are also being told that 80% of our hydro infrastructure needs to be replaced in the not to distant future.

If everyone lowers their hydro bills, the power companies will see a shortfall in their revenue. Who will pay for the shortfalls?

Why... that would be us!... one way or another.

So the energy companies spent months preparing for requests for rate increases. Hydro One wanted a 22% increase over 2 years.

No! No! No!. The public is already feeling the financial burdens from the new Smart Meter readings. The Green Tax has yet to be billed out and the HST will be an added sting.

No, the government wants first dibs on revenue so they nicely (sic) told the energy companies not to bother to ask for rate increases.

Woe is us!

Isn't there anyone thinking the process through..... at least until past Oct. 2001?
Ontario utilities told not to bother with requests for rate increases

Andrew Campbell said:
Wow! Did I read that right in the article?!?!...
"Beckett estimates that most homeowners will see an increase of 25 per cent on a typical electrical bill in coming months. That jump will come from the Ontario Energy Board rate increase, other charges related to the Green Energy Act and the introduction of the HST on July 1." That doesn't even include the on-peak cost - which will be very costly for us who tend to milk cows through those peak hours.

Jennifer Garner said:
I am very energy savy, or I thought I was. 8 months ago I installed a good quality gas dryer,and gas stove,we also use those energy efficient light bulbs.I noticed a comfortable differance in my power usage.I was still using the old meter. My bills were reasonable,I was using about 500 kwh average all the way around. Then came the Smart Meter ,but it wasn't fully hooked up to their new way of reading them.My wife and I knew about the different times to use power efficiently. Well guess what? My power usage went down to average 350 kwh which is pretty low because we thought we were doing things right.Wrong. I seemed like Hydro 1 found out we changed appliances. I'm still consistant at 350 kwh,but the pricing cost went from sort of happy to when I had the old appliances. I realize there are some ifs and buts left out of this letter,but hands down, they are manipulating,dishonest,thats it, thats all.No one wants to disguss your concerns. Are they saying even that I lowerd my consumption I still pay the price. These smart meters are programmed to do one thing, but try to get proof. Has this happend to any one else? I'm sick of hearing from Hydro reps, Oh your meter is not reading correctly. My answer to that is " how can you bill me under these circumstances" One answer I got was " we averaged out from last years billings"I want to pay my fair share ,and pay for what I use. Sincerely ,Garry Slater
Gary it don't matter, how much you try to save or use less for the envorement, when it comes to buying elecity, oil, gas. The bottom line is revenue and profit for government and companies, do you think for one moment a government will reduce its spending to pay for all those perks like overseas trips, cars and mobile phones, laptops, bonuses, allowances, big pay packets for senior public servants, CEOs, members of the board and politians. The utility companies are out to make a profit and if you use less that means less money for them and the government, so next time when a government or company turns around they are going to do something to save you money, they aren't. Like taxes we stop paying this one, so they increase another. No amount of whining will get you anywhere. Only way is use new form of energy wood gas to run your home.

garry william slater said:
I am very energy savy, or I thought I was. 8 months ago I installed a good quality gas dryer,and gas stove,we also use those energy efficient light bulbs.I noticed a comfortable differance in my power usage.I was still using the old meter. My bills were reasonable,I was using about 500 kwh average all the way around. Then came the Smart Meter ,but it wasn't fully hooked up to their new way of reading them.My wife and I knew about the different times to use power efficiently. Well guess what? My power usage went down to average 350 kwh which is pretty low because we thought we were doing things right.Wrong. I seemed like Hydro 1 found out we changed appliances. I'm still consistant at 350 kwh,but the pricing cost went from sort of happy to when I had the old appliances. I realize there are some ifs and buts left out of this letter,but hands down, they are manipulating,dishonest,thats it, thats all.No one wants to disguss your concerns. Are they saying even that I lowerd my consumption I still pay the price. These smart meters are programmed to do one thing, but try to get proof. Has this happend to any one else? I'm sick of hearing from Hydro reps, Oh your meter is not reading correctly. My answer to that is " how can you bill me under these circumstances" One answer I got was " we averaged out from last years billings"I want to pay my fair share ,and pay for what I use. Sincerely ,Garry Slater
I am with u ...things in this province are at a boil .. the silent majority are not organized ..we the people hold the strings .. have we forgotten that ... .
Thanks for that reply, GS

Peter said:
I am with u ...things in this province are at a boil .. the silent majority are not organized ..we the people hold the strings .. have we forgotten that ... .

I read the article in the London Free Press and decided to respond. We were away for the period January 5 to the end of March this year. That means our house was empty and using very minimal electricity. We have electric heat but all thermostats were down to 10 degrees C. Our hot water heater is gas heated. I came back to a whopping hydro bill of over $800.00 for the billing period January 21 to March 23. The house was empty!

I wrote to Hydro One on April 21 contesting this amount. I have yet to hear from them. I also emailed the Ontario Ombudsman about this matter yesterday.

There is definitely something very wrong with that meter!

I am interested in participating in any activity that can correct this situation.

Nelson Laporte
Please email me at jrwakefield@mcswiz.com so I can add you to the list. Keep an eye on my blog h1ripoff.blogsopt.com.

Nelson Laporte said:

I read the article in the London Free Press and decided to respond. We were away for the period January 5 to the end of March this year. That means our house was empty and using very minimal electricity. We have electric heat but all thermostats were down to 10 degrees C. Our hot water heater is gas heated. I came back to a whopping hydro bill of over $800.00 for the billing period January 21 to March 23. The house was empty!

I wrote to Hydro One on April 21 contesting this amount. I have yet to hear from them. I also emailed the Ontario Ombudsman about this matter yesterday.

There is definitely something very wrong with that meter!

I am interested in participating in any activity that can correct this situation.

Nelson Laporte
These meters are made to rip you off! Thath's it thats ALL!!!GarrySlater

Richard Wakefield said:
Please email me at jrwakefield@mcswiz.com so I can add you to the list. Keep an eye on my blog h1ripoff.blogsopt.com.

Nelson Laporte said:

I read the article in the London Free Press and decided to respond. We were away for the period January 5 to the end of March this year. That means our house was empty and using very minimal electricity. We have electric heat but all thermostats were down to 10 degrees C. Our hot water heater is gas heated. I came back to a whopping hydro bill of over $800.00 for the billing period January 21 to March 23. The house was empty!

I wrote to Hydro One on April 21 contesting this amount. I have yet to hear from them. I also emailed the Ontario Ombudsman about this matter yesterday.

There is definitely something very wrong with that meter!

I am interested in participating in any activity that can correct this situation.

Nelson Laporte
Is there a technology that the consumer can use to estimate their real electricity consumption....it seems to me that the Utilities have all of the information and power and consumers don't have any information to challenge is the smart meter really working? Nelson was away and still the smart meter was rolling at the $800 dollar clip...does not seem logical.

There must be a way to measure or accurately determine your electricity use...it does not really need to be that accurate.


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