Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

I saw some light ground around Brantford that was worked in the past week or so...


Has anyone else started?


Too wet for most everyone else I suspect.



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Around here (north of Belleville) almost any ground can be worked, most people have their barley all in, the only thing holding anybody back is that it's still too early to plant corn. We've already worked land that we usually can't touch until late May.
I heard there was some corn planted down in Kent county the past few days....anyone else start?

It sounds like the Midwest US is going to be planting alot of corn this week if the ground is fit.

Joe Dales
Some corn planted in Ontario April 3....

Post April 20th on OntAg Activity section:"corn planting started full swing in brussels ON, no time for twitter, ontag or facebook"

Good luck with the planting - it's early, but great conditions.
Corn planters going like crazy here in the Stratford area. We are hoping to get it in on Friday just before the rain.
It was an impressive show of farming this week as I drove through IL, IN, MO, MI and OH....every working tractor, planter, sprayer and farm truck seemed to be moving....new equipment, old equipment, large, smaller...we know how to put a corn crop in the ground in this tight weather window.....

The corn crop is being planted in the Midwest USA in excellent conditions and the two weeks of dry and mostly sunny weather has worked out well for most producers.

In Missouri, I would estimate that most of the corn has been planted and they got a nice day long soaker of rain on Wednesday.....

Rain may slow down the planting in IL and IN but it looked like a good start has been made....

OH and Michigan are started but are going to need some additional dry days to get the corn in.

I did not see any emerged corn on my travels and the weather was nice 60 - 70F but not hot this week.

There was alot of field work going on in Essex, Kent and Middlesex here at home and with the dust, it looks like it is a little dry on top? I did not stop to check because I was a little tired from my tour...know how everyone else is feeling after working 20 hours a day for the past couple of weeks....

Good luck everyone and be safe.

on p.e.i some potato planting has started weather here is cool for last couple weeks the middle of may is good time in this aera
Farmers getting early jump on planting - London Free Press
May 4, 2010 14:23
Farmers are relishing this warm dry weather as it allows them to get their corn and bean crops in the ground early, to await the spring rains which they say they'll need.

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