Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

Regulations Killing The Small Meat Abattoirs and Local Meat Processors. Does It Matter?

I saw the following article in the Markdale Standard and thought it would be of interest....


Regulations blamed for loss of abattoirs

Posted By Mary Golem

Holding up a thick binder of rules and regulations, the owner of a small local butcher shop said over-regulation and "confusion over how those regulations are being interpreted" are making his life difficult.


Kelven Arnold of Sullivan's Butcher Shop in Wiarton told a crowd at a meeting in Elmwood Wednesday night that some of the provincial meat industry inspection regulations are "physically impossible" for him and other small butcher shop and abattoir owners, "and extremely costly." Arnold says he's spent more than $75,000 in the last three years trying to comply.


"But there's no way you can question the rules, or not do what they want," he added.


"They'll just shut you down."


Stricter regulations are destroying small abattoirs across Ontario, threatening also the farmers who use them and reducing opportunities for people to buy local food, said Barb Klages, a member of the Malcolm Women's Institute, who spearheaded the organization of the information meeting.


Large and small plants are expected to meet the same compliance standards "and for many small operations, that's just simply impossible," says Louis Roesch, one of four key speakers at the meeting.


Fifteen years ago, Ontario had more than 900 businesses to process meat and poultry. Today, there are about 130.


Freeman Boyd, co-ordinator of the Buy Local Food project, said a year ago Grey-Bruce had nine provincially inspected plants and one federally inspected operation.


"We lost one last year, one closed this year and another is for sale. Two more might close and two are in immediate danger of closing . . . we may be down to five or less slaughter plants in the area in the not too distant future. That should be of immediate concern, not only to producers, but consumers as well."


Read the rest of the Markdale Standard article here.




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Had a simlar article on this forum a few months ago about a Cochrane processer, in North Ontario. Wear was the support for him from the above producessors. These regulations have one purpose take overs, unless a strong message is sent with the support of unions and all small producessors through out the provience they will take you down one by one. region by region.

Maybe we should have a new preimier's award for invonation. The award could be called can his government no piss off the farmers and prodcessors and no implement government invonation for the rest of his term. And maybe, just maybe a farmer could make some money to pay taxes.
I was shocked to see 900 operation down to 130 in five years???? But not surprised with I think about it.

We need to keep these local markets and local rural jobs....

My question is "Is there no money in processing or is it the regulatory barriers?"

If government policy is driving these processing operations out of business we need to figure out how to stop and reverse this trend.

Fewer marketing choices is not good for producers...
If Mr McCunty, sorry is it, McGuinty is to true form like our labour preimers in Australia, he will find the burden of his office has taken a heavy total on his family life, and must retire. Normal to a cushy quongo job, specially made for him by all those who he helped feather their nest. Leaving some fall guy to take the blame, normally a female. It totally amazes me how these flimflam people are elected, within their politial parties and why with the experience some of the older members who hold the reins don't, see the wolf under sheep's clothing. Thats why you need a Senate, to review these laws and policies. Their impact on the communities, businesses and not give the green light for this sort of result to happen, when any policial party gets into power.
Agriculture Minister Carol Mitchell says her department is looking for ways to help small abattoirs.
Mitchell says she's well aware of the struggles some of those operators are facing.

(Carol Mitchell On Abattoirs) Click to listen to an audio interview.
Many of those small abattoir owners are blaming new inspection standards for their problems.
A number of them have had to shut down because they can't make a living the way things are right now.
Would that mean something like "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you . . ."?

Joe Dales said:
Agriculture Minister Carol Mitchell says her department is looking for ways to help small abattoirs.
Mitchell says she's well aware of the struggles some of those operators are facing.

(Carol Mitchell On Abattoirs) Click to listen to an audio interview.
Many of those small abattoir owners are blaming new inspection standards for their problems.
A number of them have had to shut down because they can't make a living the way things are right now.

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