Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

CFFO Blog's Blog – December 2010 Archive (4)

The CFFO Commentary: Christmas and the Difference it makes for Farming

By John Clement

December 24, 2010

I'm not by nature a person devoted to creeds and confessions, but every once in awhile something will strike me as particularly meaningful in one of those documents. At this Christmas season, some of the words found in the beginning of the Heidelberg Catechism strike me as appropriate. The question is asked "what is your only comfort in life and death?"… Continue

Added by CFFO Blog on December 24, 2010 at 6:34am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary:Farm Policy Increasingly Needs to Pay Heed to the “Missing Middle”

By John Clement

The challenges of farm policy used to be simpler. Most farms in most commodities were about the same size and generated somewhat comparable farm revenues. But those days have been leaving us for awhile now, with new challenges emerging about how to deliver public support that is both fair and appropriate to changes in the scale of production. 

 Increasingly, farming and public interest groups are noting that we are starting to experience what could be called the…


Added by CFFO Blog on December 17, 2010 at 7:00am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Farmers Matter and Need to Build Goodwill with Consumers

By Henry Stevens

There is general agreement in the farm community that a number of our commodities are in serious financial difficulty and face an uncertain future. There is also general agreement on why family farms in those sectors are facing such difficulties. Where there is less agreement is “how do we solve those problems and…


Added by CFFO Blog on December 10, 2010 at 6:13am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: New Agricultural Opportunities in Bio-Products

By Nathan Stevens

There are some industry leaders that would argue that one of the greatest opportunities for farmers in the next 20 years will be the development of the bio-products sector. At a recent information session held by the Wellington…


Added by CFFO Blog on December 3, 2010 at 4:45am — No Comments

Agriculture Headlines from Farms.com Canada East News - click on title for full story

Collaboration enables more than $3.4 million in research funding to advance canola agronomic priorities

The three Prairie, provincial canola grower associations have evaluated and selected 11 canola research projects to receive funding under the Canola Agronomic Research Program (CARP) in 2025. This investment includes over $2.3 million from Alberta Canola, SaskOilseeds and Manitoba Canola Growers, as well as over $764,000 from the Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) and over $363,000 from Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR), bringing the total investment to over $3.4 million. Driven by grower associations and supported by a robust, collaborative research priority development and proposal review system, CARP enables the funding of projects that are key to advancing canola productivity and mitigating production threats. The funded projects regularly provide new strategies for managing pests and diseases, improving nutrient management and supporting a more resilient canola crop. Grower associations are pleased to collaborate with the WGRF and RDAR, enabling greater innovation

The BCRC Announces $1.43 Million for Nine Priority Research Projects

Nine new projects have been funded under the BCRC 2024 call for proposals. BCRC funding to the nine projects totals $1.43 million. Each project brings funding from other sources, leveraging producer funding with over $3.1 million. Funding decisions are made by the BCRC’s producer council based on priorities identified in the Canadian Beef Research and Technology Transfer Strategy.   “Applied research is important to help producers make on-farm decisions and implement strategies that improve producer productivity and profitability,” says Craig Lehr, BCRC chair and Alberta beef producer. “Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) and antimicrobial resistance are ongoing issues for the Canadian beef industry. Projects investigating causes and transmission of BRD pathogens and antimicrobial resistance will help inform future prevention and treatment practices.”   “Research improves producer competitiveness through informing beneficial management practices,” says Dean Manning, BCRC vice chair and

Celebrating Canadian agriculture on Canada’s Agriculture Day

Celebrate all things Canadian ag on #CdnAgDay

CFA’s 1st Vice-President Todd Lewis Appointed to the Senate of Canada

The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) proudly congratulates our 1st Vice-President, Mr. Todd Lewis, on his appointment to the Senate of Canada.

Tariffs Will Have Severe Negative Consequences for Farmers and Consumers in Canada and the U.S.

The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA), who represent over 190,000 family farms across Canada, is extremely disappointed to see the widespread 25% tariffs implemented by the U.S. today.

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