Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

AALP's Blog – March 2011 Archive (5)

AALP Class 13 International Study Tour to Guatemala and Belize - March 4 & 5, 2011

March 4, 2011 - The second last day of our AALP class’s International Study Tour began with a farewell to Chaa Creek and a hello again to Tropic Air. A fantastic day for flying enabled our three planes to take the scenic route from Central Farm to Orange Walk, passing over the famous Routa Maya, a 175 mile, 3 day canoe race through Belize and to loop around a couple more Mayan… Continue

Added by AALP on March 5, 2011 at 5:00am — No Comments

AALP Class 13 International Study Tour to Guatemala and Belize - March 3, 2011

Imagine – you arrive in a foreign country with the promise of land… if you are willing to clear and farm it. You and your family work day by day, year by year, clearing trees, learning what the land will produce and growing a community. This may sound like the challenges that the pioneers faced coming to Upper Canada in the 1800’s; however, deep in the jungle of Belize in 1958,… Continue

Added by AALP on March 5, 2011 at 5:00am — No Comments

AALP Class 13 International Study Tour to Guatemala and Belize - March 2, 2011

Today we had an amazing opportunity to tour Chaa Creek with its owner Mick Flemming. Chaa Creek is a leading eco destination in Belize that has strong roots in agriculture (www.chaacreek.com) Mick arrived with his wife, Lucy, in 1977 with $300 in his pocket, which was just the beginning of their story here in Belize.



Added by AALP on March 4, 2011 at 4:00am — No Comments

AALP Class 13 International Study Tour to Guatemala and Belize – March 1, 2011

Power to Women. We had a very unique cultural experience this morning when we visited the Garifuna School and Museum in Dangriga. The Garifuna are a people of African-Caribbean descent and while the Garifuna make up 30% of the population of Belize, the culture, music and language are being lost to English and North American culture. Phyllis Taremaro, the founder of the school…


Added by AALP on March 4, 2011 at 3:30am — No Comments

AALP Class 13 International Study Tour to Guatemala and Belize – February 28, 2011

A man of the land ! Our morning started with a walk to the Dandriga airport, that's right... Walk! Our class divided into three groups and we flew on small planes to Punta Guarda - but this was more than just transportation. We flew along the coastline, seeing shrimp farms, plantations and fields from 5000 feet. Due to limited seating, some of us were able to ride in the… Continue

Added by AALP on March 3, 2011 at 7:22am — 2 Comments

Agriculture Headlines from Farms.com Canada East News - click on title for full story

Map: Dakotas Drought Remains Entrenched

There is still plenty of time before spring planting, but abnormal dryness and drought remains stubbornly entrenched across the Dakotas. Released today, the latest US drought monitor shows abnormal dryness afflicting more than two-thirds of North Dakota, with more than half of the state impacted by some form of drought (see map below). Those numbers have remained little changed since the end of November and represent a stark departure from early June, when abnormal dryness and drought impacted less than 9% and 3% of the state, respectively. The situation in South Dakota is even worse, with 100% of the state being in some form of drought since early November. Like North Dakota, South Dakota went from being little affected by abnormal dryness and drought in June to the current levels. Meanwhile, the latest season drought outlook from the US Climate Prediction Center suggests drought will persist across all of South Dakota and much of North Dakota for the remainder of February and t

Advance Payments Program provides cash flow until farmers can sell agricultural products

Thousands of Western Canadian farmers meet their cash flow needs through an Advance Payments Program (APP) cash advance from Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA). APP is a federal loan program that offers farmers marketing flexibility through interest-free and low-interest cash advances through their unsold crop and livestock inventory. CCGA is now into its 40th year of running the program and Vice-President, Finance & APP Operations Dave Gallant said farmers can apply for a 2025 cash advance during the early application window. “Now is a great time for farmers to get their application submitted, so we can process their paperwork and provide the spring operating funds they need as quickly as possible,” Gallant said. For 2025, farmers can apply for up to $1 million in financing, with the interest-free component at $100,000 and the remaining at CCGA’s interest-bearing rate of prime less 0.25 per cent. Every year, over 10,000 farmers in Western Canada take advantage of cash adv

The Great Twine Round-Up Contest in Alberta: Be part of it in 2025!

Three out of four $3000 cash prizes are still to be won across Alberta in 2025 in the Great Twine Round-Up Contest. The first prize was randomly drawn on January 15 from over 100 entries, and was awarded to the winner’s 4-H club, the Northern Lethbridge 4-H Beef Club. As part of the Alberta Ag-Plastic. Recycle It! pilot program and in partnership with the Alberta Plastics Recycling Group (APRG) and Cleanfarms, this innovative contest helps encourage Alberta farmers to step-up their recycling of used plastic baler twine. “Alberta farmers proudly do their part to make agriculture clean and sustainable,” says Cleanfarms Executive Director Barry Friesen. “Last year alone, Cleanfarms recycled 95,400 kg of twine through the Alberta pilot. This contest helps recognize all that hard work, while building a better future together.” With funds granted by the Government of Alberta and administered by Alberta Beef Producers, a total of $12,000 is divided into four cash prizes of $3,000. Three of

Governments support crop health projects through research and innovation

The governments of Canada and Manitoba are providing $4.7 million in grant funding under the Sustainable Canadian Agriculture Partnership (Sustainable CAP) to support 36 projects, including several that benefit the future of crop health in Manitoba, under the Research and Innovation Program over the next three years, federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Lawrence MacAulay and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn announced today at CropConnect. The Research and Innovation Program supports the development of science-based solutions and tools that address known challenges, prepare for potential disruptions and climate threats, and capture emerging opportunities in the agriculture and agri-food sector. The program provides funding to eligible applicants for research and capacity building projects aimed at promoting the agriculture sector's growth and sustainability, helping to put Manitoba at the forefront of sustainable agriculture research. Funding will support 36 projects

FVGC Executive Director Highlights Tariff Concerns at Canada-U.S. Economic Summit

Massimo Bergamini, Executive Director of the Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC), participated in the Prime Minister’s Canada-U.S. Economic Summit today in Toronto.

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