Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

March 2012 Blog Posts (13)

USDA Reports: Very Bullish Soybean Prices. Click To Watch The Review.

Added by OntAG Admin on March 30, 2012 at 10:38am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Ontario Takes a Bold Step Forward with Its New Budget

By Nathan Stevens

March 30, 2012


The Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario is encouraged by the direction set out in the proposed Ontario Budget. The provincial government is taking the financial and economic realities in Ontario seriously, and is proposing a wide range of changes to adjust to the new reality. The tough measures laid out will require a strong commitment from our government and the people of Ontario to get this…


Added by CFFO Blog on March 30, 2012 at 1:31am — No Comments


I am seeking farmers and landowners in these townships who would like to have a mature , safe, licensed hunter to come onto their property and help control damage done by coyotes. Calving, lambing is upon us, and that means coyote predation. If interested call Neil at (905) 985-2217 and lets chat.

Added by Neil DeShane on March 29, 2012 at 6:50am — No Comments

My Mistake - My Opportunity

With the summer like temperatures last week, I couldn't keep myself out of the field.  I took advantage of the warm weather to burn down the grass on the banks and burn off some bean straw piles in the field in uncharacteristic comfort - a short sleeve shirt in March.  And although the calendar scared me away from working any ground, that volunteer wheat which I left in the field last fall to prevent the ground from blowing was starting to look a bit big.  So I rushed home from work,…


Added by Gus Ternoey on March 27, 2012 at 1:42pm — 2 Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Focus On Innovation to Increase Canada’s Agricultural Productivity

By John Clement

March 23, 2012


Canadian agriculture has a history of great productivity gains. In fact, the publication called The Real Dirt on Farming suggests that overall agricultural productivity in Canada has increased by 300 per cent since the 1950s. Most of these productivity gains have been achieved through improved plant and animal genetics, better management of soils, plus strong strategies on pests,…


Added by CFFO Blog on March 23, 2012 at 3:01am — 1 Comment

When Neighbours Stop by - its a good thing

The day started off with intent to make good use of this summer like weather in winter.  With spring around the corner, I have a great deal of pre-field work field work to do.  There is always a few broken tile that need repair.  I have dug up a few with the old fashioned method - the spade.  But today I hooked up the three point hitch backhoe.  This is a great tool - not too big and heavy and much easier than shovelling by hand.  So I started out by extending a culvert i dug in last year…


Added by Gus Ternoey on March 18, 2012 at 1:58pm — 1 Comment

The CFFO Commentary: CFFO Core Policy Values

By Nathan Stevens

March 16, 2012


The Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario recently fine-tuned its core policy values. In the rapidly changing world of agriculture, it is important to take time periodically to ensure that the organization has the right priorities for its members. The process affirmed that the organization focus on three key themes when dealing with any issue.


First and foremost,…


Added by CFFO Blog on March 16, 2012 at 6:00am — No Comments

Rise of the Asian middle class and the competition for animal protein

The size of the world population is among the most significant changes for the future. There are many challenges, as the media tell us on a daily basis, but there are opportunities. The first and the main of these opportunities is the population increase itself. In the coming four decades, there will be two billion more people to feed. Never before, has humanity seen such a demand increase. This means that farmers and food suppliers do not have to worry about a lack of market opportunities.…


Added by Christophe Pelletier on March 13, 2012 at 8:35am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Ontario needs a New Approach to handling Animal Welfare Concerns

By Nathan Stevens

March 9, 2012


Animal welfare is a growing concern for farmers and society. In particular, the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) is a topic of growing importance to farmers in Ontario. While there is no doubt that animal welfare issues are a serious concern and must be dealt with properly, the approach in Ontario when it comes to farming needs to…


Added by CFFO Blog on March 9, 2012 at 2:33am — No Comments

Hard to work off the farm

The "slow" pace of winter months has been keeping me exceedingly busy lately.  Between getting paper work in order for tax time, learning and repairing my new to me grain header, general repairs and maintenance I must find time to work a full time job.  With todays warm weather it was like torture to read the odd tweet about other farmers using the good weather to get equipment ready.  To make maters worse, the plant lost its computer network today, so it was a bit slow at times, those times…


Added by Gus Ternoey on March 7, 2012 at 2:05pm — 1 Comment

Twitter for Farmers - Great Ontario Twitter Accounts to Follow and Getting Started and How Twitter Can Help You on Your Farm

In this webinar from the Alberta Canola Producers Commission (@AlbertaCanola) , Rick Taillieu (@ricktlu) discusses why and how farmers are now using twitter as an important part of their business. This webinar…


Added by OntAG Admin on March 6, 2012 at 3:30am — 1 Comment

The CFFO Commentary: The CFFO Invests in Agricultural Education

By Paul Bootsma

March 2, 2012


Our society recognizes that education is an important factor in achieving success in our increasingly complex global economy. The next generation will need more knowledge in order to improve the economy both locally and abroad. The Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario agrees with this assessment and has initiated a new program in support of education in…


Added by CFFO Blog on March 2, 2012 at 3:27am — No Comments

Monthly Archives













Agriculture Headlines from Farms.com Canada East News - click on title for full story

Peavey Mart Closing 21 Stores in Ontario

Peavey Industries announced the closure of 21 stores in Ontario to streamline operations and ensure long-term sustainability, while emphasizing continued commitment to customer service.

More Opportunity for Saskatchewan High School Students in the Oil & Gas Industry

Three additional energy companies are partnering with Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre (Sask DLC) and Teine Energy to support the creation of new online oil and gas high school courses with work placements. Cenovus Energy, Vermilion Energy and Whitecap Resources have joined Teine Energy's commitment to provide support and industry expertise to Sask DLC's development of new Energy and Mines - Oil & Gas 20 and 30-level online courses. The four energy companies, each with operations in the province, are providing a combined total of up to $160,000 over two years to support the creation of the new courses and to fund a coordinator position to facilitate student work placements and industry engagement opportunities. "The energy sector is an important part of our province's strong and growing economy - both locally and globally," Minister Responsible for Sask DLC Everett Hindley said. "It is exciting to see Saskatchewan students will be able to learn about the career opportunities

Ag Data Transparent: Building a common language for agtech companies and farmers

As the use of digital agriculture technology increases, so does the importance of strengthening communications between farmers and agtech companies. This is the aim of Ag Data Transparent (ADT).  While presenting at EMILI’s 2024 Agriculture Enlightened Conference in November 2024, Todd Janzen, attorney and ADT administrator, shared the origins of ADT and the role the non-profit group plays in strengthening the agriculture data ecosystem in Canada and the USA. Janzen’s presentation was followed by a panel discussion that included Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) Board Member and Keystone Ag Producers President Jill Verway, GrainFox Chief Growth Officer Liz Pham, and ADT Board Member and EMILI Director of Agri-Food Data Dan Lussier.  To qualify for Ag Data Transparent certification, agtech companies answer 11 standard questions and submit copies of the contracts and data use agreements they ask farmers to sign. This application package is reviewed by the ADT Administrator to v

Take the Bull by the Horns

Bull sale season will soon be in full swing, meaning now is the time to determine the bull selection criteria and budget for purchasing your next herd sires. Considering that a bull’s contribution to the genetic makeup of a beef herd in a single breeding season is more than a cow may contribute in her lifetime–a bull may sire 25 or more calves per year while the average cow produces fewer than 10 calves–selecting genetically superior bulls is the quickest way to improve herd genetics. But how do you determine which bull is right for your operation? Match Your Breeding Program to Your Operational Goals The first step in identifying which bull or bulls are right for your farm is to clearly establish both the long- and short-term goals of your operation. These goals, along with the management practices and infrastructure that fit those goals, will determine the breeding programs and genetics required to achieve them. There are a variety of breeding programs available, and effective si

Agriculture minister gets taste of CCOVI research

Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness Rob Flack made his inaugural visit to Brock University on Monday, Jan. 13, using the time to learn about Canada’s premier grape and wine research, outreach and education institute.

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