Ontario Agriculture

The network for agriculture in Ontario, Canada

CFFO Blog's Blog (97)

The CFFO Commentary: Christmas and the Difference it makes for Farming

By John Clement

December 24, 2010

I'm not by nature a person devoted to creeds and confessions, but every once in awhile something will strike me as particularly meaningful in one of those documents. At this Christmas season, some of the words found in the beginning of the Heidelberg Catechism strike me as appropriate. The question is asked "what is your only comfort in life and death?"… Continue

Added by CFFO Blog on December 24, 2010 at 6:34am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary:Farm Policy Increasingly Needs to Pay Heed to the “Missing Middle”

By John Clement

The challenges of farm policy used to be simpler. Most farms in most commodities were about the same size and generated somewhat comparable farm revenues. But those days have been leaving us for awhile now, with new challenges emerging about how to deliver public support that is both fair and appropriate to changes in the scale of production. 

 Increasingly, farming and public interest groups are noting that we are starting to experience what could be called the…


Added by CFFO Blog on December 17, 2010 at 7:00am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Farmers Matter and Need to Build Goodwill with Consumers

By Henry Stevens

There is general agreement in the farm community that a number of our commodities are in serious financial difficulty and face an uncertain future. There is also general agreement on why family farms in those sectors are facing such difficulties. Where there is less agreement is “how do we solve those problems and…


Added by CFFO Blog on December 10, 2010 at 6:13am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: New Agricultural Opportunities in Bio-Products

By Nathan Stevens

There are some industry leaders that would argue that one of the greatest opportunities for farmers in the next 20 years will be the development of the bio-products sector. At a recent information session held by the Wellington…


Added by CFFO Blog on December 3, 2010 at 4:45am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Future Safety Net Design Drawing Attention

By Nathan Stevens

The next Growing Forward agreement is starting to loom on the distant horizon and farm groups are developing new options that differ from the current program. James Rude of the Department of Rural Economy at the University of…


Added by CFFO Blog on November 26, 2010 at 6:29am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: CFFO Releases Goals for an Ontario Food Strategy

As anyone who plays a lot of games knows, having a plan is essential to success. Whether one is playing a sport, a board game or a video game, having that plan of action greatly increases the chance of winning. This is also true in the business world where having a plan makes a huge difference between success and failure. The agriculture sector is no different. The CFFO has developed what it believes are the essential goals of a food strategy for Ontario.

Last winter,…


Added by CFFO Blog on November 12, 2010 at 6:30am — No Comments

CFFO Commentary: CFFO Convention to Focus on Feeding the World While Supporting Family Farms

Questions involving world hunger and food production are keenly appreciated by the farming community. Most Ontario farmers are willing to work with others to ensure that no one goes hungry. But they also want to do so in a way that ensures farm markets are stable both here and…


Added by CFFO Blog on November 5, 2010 at 5:50am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Listening to Farmers' Concerns Key to Good Representation

By Paul Bootsma

October 29, 2010

For groups like the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario, there is no substitute for attending farm shows and catching the pulse of what farmers are thinking. This year’s farm shows…


Added by CFFO Blog on October 29, 2010 at 5:18am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Moving Beyond "Random Acts of Stewardship"

By John Clement

October 22, 2010

I recently heard a long-time promoter of environmental goods and service (EGS) payments to farmers argue that it’s time to move beyond “random acts of…


Added by CFFO Blog on October 22, 2010 at 5:09am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Personal Insight Into Need to Preserve Best Farmland

By Nathan Stevens

October 15, 2010

Sometimes it takes personal experience to really strengthen one’s believe in a core value of…


Added by CFFO Blog on October 15, 2010 at 6:28am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Working as Colleagues Can Move Ontario Farmers Forward

By Paul Bootsma

October 8, 2010

Ontario farmers have a history of being open with each other when discussing business. Helping each other overcome difficulties and making improvements in production are often discussed…


Added by CFFO Blog on October 8, 2010 at 5:53am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Tackling Agricultural Challenges Aided Through Leadership Training

By John Clement

October 1, 2010

I appreciate good leadership. Good leaders have a way of focusing people on critical issues and helping them to work together on finding solutions. Sometimes that involves pioneering a new way of doing things and forcing people to react, while at other times it involves pushing others from behind to bring forward…


Added by CFFO Blog on October 4, 2010 at 4:00am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Competing Interests Arise in Land Use Planning Discussions

By Nathan Stevens

September 24, 2010

Good land use planning is critical for the success of agriculture. And with the current review of the Provincial Policy Statement underway, talks are heating up between farming organizations and those representing other interests in land use planning.

The CFFO is currently in dialogue with a collection of environmental groups, including Ontario Nature, Ducks Unlimited and Ecojustice,… Continue

Added by CFFO Blog on September 27, 2010 at 3:18am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Agricultural Entrepreneur Puts Focus on Farming for the Motor City

By John Clement

September 17, 2010

I’m watching with interest a Detroit-based entrepreneur whose vision for his city could throw many of our paradigms about urban agriculture out the window. Seeing Detroit’s huge amount of vacant land as an opportunity, the entrepreneur is setting out to assemble large parcels of vacant inner-city land and create a large-scale, for-profit agricultural enterprise.

The entrepreneur in question is John Hantz, the… Continue

Added by CFFO Blog on September 17, 2010 at 9:47am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: A Cloud Forms on the Horizon of Ontario’s Green Energy Future

The CFFO Commentary: A Cloud Forms on the Horizon of Ontario’s Green Energy Future

By Nathan Stevens

September 10, 2010

Glenn Fox of the University of Guelph recently shared his critique on the implementation of Ontario’s Green Energy Policy. His thoughts on the subject point to a serious test of the Province’s commitment to the development of renewable energy over the coming year.

The rationale that has been used to support the development… Continue

Added by CFFO Blog on September 10, 2010 at 5:28am — No Comments

The CFFO Commentary: Future of Farming requires Accommodating Differing Views

By Jenny Denhartog

September 3, 2010

The steady decline in the number of family farms in Ontario has been…


Added by CFFO Blog on September 3, 2010 at 4:30am — No Comments

CFFO's Stevens: More Land Use Protection Needed in Provincial Policy Statement


Added by CFFO Blog on August 26, 2010 at 10:30am — No Comments

Agriculture Headlines from Farms.com Canada East News - click on title for full story

SaskCrops has sent in their submission for the Federal pre-budget consultations

SaskCrops sent in their annual submission last week for Finance Canada’s federal pre-budget consultations. SaskCrops represents the vast majority of grain and oilseed producers in Saskatchewan through the participating growers' associations - SaskBarley, SaskCanola, SaskFlax, SaskOats, Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, and Sask Wheat. The groups note that research funding remains a key advocacy priority for SaskCrops and want to see significant, predictable, and sustained investment in research from the government. Here is a list of recommendations the group would like to see included in the next budget and implemented. - Recommendation 1: That the government provides continued, stable, and enhanced investments in crop plant genetic research. - Recommendation 2: That the government invests in regional agronomic research to identify best management practices that capture increased yield potential from enhanced genetic innovations across diverse agroecological landscapes. - Recommend

Sask Barley joins Western Crop Innovations

Western Crop Innovations continues to grow. The Saskatchewan Barley Development Commission has joined Western Crop Innovations (WCI) as a voting member. Sask Barley has committed $50,000 in core funding as a transitional grant for the current fiscal year. Western Crop Innovations (WCI) work focuses on developing feed and forage barley, malting barley, and triticale varieties specifically tailored for the Western Prairies. The newly formed organization - formerly known as the Field Crop Development Centre - was founded earlier this year. WCI's Interim Executive Director Mark Olson says SaskBarley's endorsement is important adding there is a reason we named our organization WESTERN Crop Innovations - the work we do is intended to benefit farmers from Manitoba to BC. Sask Barley's Executive Director Jill McDonald says joining WCI as a Tier 1 member allows us to collaborate more closely on projects that will directly benefit our growers, and we’re excited to contribute to shaping

The deadline for the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers Board of Directors is Friday

The Saskatchewan Pulse Growers are looking to fill three positions on their Board of Directors.  Nominations are now being accepted for the three-year term positions.  SPG sees particular value in candidates with the following characteristics and experience:  Active role in the farm operation and its decision-making  Pulses are an important part of the operation of the farm  Interested in soybeans, faba beans, and chickpeas  Interested in learning more about joining the SPG Board from current Directors? SPG’s Nominations Committee would be interested in discussing the opportunity with you – feel free to reach out to the committee members below:  Trent Richards – Assiniboia, SK (306-640-7995)  Brad Blackwell – Dinsmore, SK (306-846-7091)  If you are a registered pulse producer (i.e. you have sold a pulse crop and paid levy to Saskatchewan Pulse Growers anytime since September 1, 2021), and are interested in taking an active role on the board you'll find the 2024-2025 SPG Board of Di

Trade War Looming Between Canada And China

The last time China took revenge on Canada, our canola industry suffered between 1.5 and 2.3 billion dollars in sales. That was the Huawei incident, when a top executive with the Beijing based company was taken into custody at the Vancouver airport at the request of the US government. China quickly retaliated by halting shipments of canola from Canada, claiming some of the shipments contained debris and was contaminated. No proof was ever given and none was offered. The Chinese government knows, when you want to get our government’s attention, go after canola, one of our most lucrative exports to that country. This week, in clear retaliation for Ottawa’s decision to tack on 100 percent tariffs to any Chinese built electric vehicle coming here, Beijing said it plans to start an anti-dumping investigation into canola imports from Canada. It’s not cutting off trade in the oilseed, at least not yet, perhaps using it as a warning for the Trudeau government to rethink its decision on Chine

Ag Barometer: Sentiment improves despite concerns

All three broad-based measures of farmer sentiment improved in July. The Purdue University-CME Group Ag Economy Barometer Index rose 8 points to 113. At the same time, the Index of Current Conditions increased by 10 points to 100, and the Index of Future Expectations at 119 was 7 points higher than a month earlier. July’s sentiment improvement occurred even though prices for both corn and soybeans declined from the time survey responses were collected in June to July, according to a university news release. For example, Eastern Corn Belt cash prices for corn and soybeans declined 11% and 5%, respectively, from mid-June to mid-July. Responses to the individual questions used to calculate the indices indicated the sentiment shift was primarily attributable to fewer respondents saying conditions were worse than a year earlier and fewer saying they expect bad times in the future. Data collection for the July survey took place from July 15-19, which coincided with the dates for the Repu

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